
Fully Sponsored!


Place Mozambique - Pemba

First Name Calisto

Location Pemba - Mozambique - Center

Gender Male

ID Number PB100031

Country Mozambique

Grade 1

Favorite Activity Playing

Favorite Food Xima with greens

Favorite Color Green

Favorite Subject Portuguese

Dream To be a Pilot

Bio Calisto arrived at our center in 2012 after his mother passed away. He has some extended family but they are not capable of taking care of him. He is a very healthy and playful child! Calisto has a great smile! One of the best smiles around and we love seeing him light up a room. Calisto is small but has a big heart and full of love. He shares everything he receives.

Calisto has a great smile! One of the best smiles around. Although he is missing teeth, we love seeing him light up a room. Calisto is small but has a big heart and full of love. He shares everything he receives.