


Place Mozambique - Zimpeto

First Name Dario

Second Last Name marcos

Base Zimpeto - Mozambique - Center

Gender Male

ID Number ZM668

Country Mozambique

Grade 2

Favorite Activity riding bikes

Favorite Food rice and matapa

Favorite Color Blue

Dream When I grow up I want to be a police man

Bio Dario arrived at the center in 2016, and quickly won the hearts of everyone with his cuteness! Dario is the littlest boy in his dorm but he can hold his own! He has the most adorable grin and giggle, and is a favorite of all the boys. We often have to remind them, Dario is not a toy because they like to carry him everywhere! He is easy-going, funny and charming to all who meet him. He loves to dress up in the Superman costume and play with the plastic animals in the toy box.