

Latifo D

Place Mozambique - Zimpeto

Project Stop for the One General

First Name Latifo

Second Last Name Deolinda

Base Zimpeto - Mozambique - Center

Gender Male

ID Number ZM229

Country Mozambique

Grade 5

Favorite Activity Singing, running and dancing.

Favorite Food Cheeseburger with egg.

Favorite Color Blue

Favorite Subject Maths

Dream To be a singer.

Bio Latifo is one of the friendliest young men on the Center. He has a youthful spirit and is almost always happy. He can often be seen playing with friends and performing his routines for educators. He loves movies and playing with cars. Latifo has had difficulty in the past with reading but has recently had a breakthrough in this area. Sometimes at night, he reads books or his Bible. Latifo has always had faith in God. He enjoys church but more than anything he loves prayer.