

Rahima Nacional

Place Mozambique - Matola Rio

Project Stop for the One General

First Name Rahima

Location Matola Rio - Mozambique - Center

Gender Female

ID Number #MATCC061

Country Mozambique

Grade Preschool

Favorite Activity playing with dolls

Favorite Food fish

Favorite Color pink

Favorite Subject colouring

Dream to be happy and have a future

Bio Rahima is such a sweety. She is cute and has a smile on her face most of the time. In the short time she has been with us her speech and understanding have improved a lot already, although her hearing is not 100%. She and her brother Artur were living with their dad, since the mother had passed away. The father left the house early in the morning to look for work, so the children were all by themselves most of the time. It is a joy for us to have Rahima with us.