
Fully Sponsored!

Rayuth Vy

Place Cambodia - Phnom Penh

First Name Rayuth Vy

Starting Weight 3 kgs.

Health Status Unwell

Caretaker Mother

Bio Our team just recently met Rayuth and his mother. She has a mental condition and do not have a stable place to call home. His mother finds work by washing dishes for neighbors and local businesses but sometimes has to beg at the nearby market. Our team is continuing to build a relationship with her to see how we can further assist her. The support of baby formula is a huge relief to her and will help Rayuth so much.

Gender Male


MILK PROGRAM SPONSORSHIP: HOW IT WORKS This is one of our Milk Program Babies! Our milk programs provided much-needed milk and nutrition to malnourished babies. Most babies are in our milk program for about a year. Upon signing up to sponsor a Milk Program Baby, you will receive a photo of your baby. Throughout the year, you can expect quarterly updates on your baby's health via email. Once your baby reaches about a year old and is healthy, you will be sent a graduation photo! You will then be matched with a new baby in need of sponsorship.