

Tiago T

Place Mozambique - Zimpeto

First Name Tiago

Second Last Name Fernando

Base Zimpeto - Mozambique - Center

Gender Male

ID Number ZM594

Country Mozambique

Grade 3

Favorite Activity Remote car and guitar

Favorite Food Hamburgers and cookies

Favorite Color Red, blue and green

Favorite Subject Maths

Dream To be a doctor or a driver or teacher

Bio Tiago loves to play school. He spends lots of his time creating tests for the other boys in the dorm. He loves to put big red check marks on the different papers he comes across. He is a very good reader.

Tiago (James) is a very strong willed child, and likes to rule the roost in the baby house. He enters into ANY activity with 100% energy, often his downfall when other children are not as enthusiastic. He enjoyed racing around on his toy motorbike and any outdoor activity.

He enjoys time alone and likes to be working away on a project.But his is often content to spend his time people watching.