

Turma 6C 2019

Place Mozambique - Pemba

Classroom Name Turma 6C 2018

Classroom Grade 6

Classroom Location Mozambique

Classroom ID Number PS6C2019

Number of Students 70

Professor Felizardo Patricio

Most of the students are making a huge effort to stay in school at this time of their life, balancing duties and responsibilities at home with their learning. They receive a good lunch at the school, sometimes their only meal of the day. It gives them the strength to come and go from home. In these fundamental grades, they start to realize with hard work and dedication, they can have better lives and pursue vocations. The students continue to learn basic math skills, discover new concepts in science and social studies, and focus on how to properly read and write in Portuguese. They are encouraged to finish school so that they can pursue their dreams. Some students even begin to dream about attending university and so they can teach others!