


Place Mozambique - Zimpeto

First Name Yuran

Second Last Name Stevao

Base Mozambique Zimpeto Center

Gender Male

ID Number ZM120

Country Mozambique Zimpeto Center

Grade 3

Favorite Activity singing and whistling

Favorite Food Beans and rice

Favorite Color Blue

Favorite Subject Math

Dream When I grow up I want to be a cook

Yuran is one of our miracle children. He came to us from another centre that was closed. When he was taken in, he was skinny and could not walk or really talk, only able to say one word. But now he is healthy and is able to run, dance and sing. He loves singing in church, both in worship and on stage as a performance. He also has a unique gift in being able to whistle hymns, or any other sound effect! He is so gentle, never fighting back even when the other children are picking on him. He loves to draw, play with the younger children or have conversations with various adults around the base. He is obedient and punctual and we are so thankful for him!